
Founder of KNG Nation and a tireless advocate driven by his faith in Jesus Christ and a passionate commitment to justice.

Born In War Torn Jordan

Born into the beautiful but wartorn country of Jordan, my earliest memories are painted with the sounds of bombs exploding, a reality that became my norm from the age of two.

Served In The Marine Corps

I proudly served the a nation that offered me and my family unparalleled opportunities in life and continues to for so many others around the world.

Entrepreneurial Success

I was blessed to build a startup, survive, and thrive. Over 30 years of building products and technology and serving the largest brands and operations globally.

Disciple Of Christ

A lifelong journey of faith, transformation, and service. It involves embracing Christ's teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness, and striving to live by these principles.

Early Childhood

Childhood Amidst War

Growing up amidst the backdrop of war in Jordan, my childhood was a blend of adversity and resilience. The constant conflict around me taught me about the world’s fragility, yet within my family and faith community, I found islands of peace and unity. Despite facing anti-Christian violence and discrimination, it was the strength of familial bonds and our deep-rooted faith that offered solace and fortitude. These early experiences, filled with challenges and simple joys alike, crafted the resilient and compassionate person I am today, driving my mission to protect and uplift the vulnerable.

Coming To America

Strangers in a Promised Land

As a child immigrant in America, my early years were a tapestry of challenges and revelations. Arriving with my family, we were buoyed by dreams yet confronted by the gritty reality of New York in the ’70s. Every day was a lesson in resilience, from humorous misunderstandings in our Italian neighborhood to the solidarity we found in community amidst the trials of integration. School brought its own battles, where I faced isolation and hostility but also discovered unexpected talents that bridged cultural divides. These experiences, marked by both struggle and triumph, taught me the invaluable lessons of adaptability, courage, and the power of community, shaping the person I am today.

Serving The Nation

Lessons From The Marine Corps

My time in the Marine Corps taught me resilience, integrity, and the sacred value of being always faithful (Semper Fidelis). I learned the essence of leadership is servitude, true bravery shines through service to others, and our strength is amplified by our unity in diversity. Above all, my service solidified my faith in God and my commitment to fighting injustice, guiding my path to protect the innocent and uphold the values I hold dear.

Adversity forges strength
Sacrifice is the pinnacle of love
Integrity above all
Semper Fidelis
Endurance to the end
Success In The Marketplace

Lessons Learned The Hard Way

My time in the Marine Corps taught me resilience, integrity, and the sacred value of being always faithful (Semper Fidelis). I learned the essence of leadership is servitude, true bravery shines through service to others, and our strength is amplified by our unity in diversity. Above all, my service solidified my faith in God and my commitment to fighting injustice, guiding my path to protect the innocent and uphold the values I hold dear.

The value of persistence
Learning never stops
Vision with action
Family as a foundation
Service beyond the self
Through The Red Sea

Surviving Pancreatic Cancer

Facing pancreatic cancer was not just a battle for survival; it became a profound lesson in faith, resilience, and purpose. This ordeal tested my limits, teaching me the true value of life and the importance of fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. It deepened my resolve for the Crusade, reinforcing my belief that with faith, determination, and a united community, we can conquer even the most daunting challenges. 

Forged By Faith:
From Ashes To Glory

Discover the journey of resilience, faith, and triumph in Adel Sayegh’s gripping biography, Forged By Faith: From Ashes To Glory. Dive into the story of how surviving pancreatic cancer ignited a fiercer resolve in Adel to combat child slavery through KNG Nation.