The Genesis Of The Kingdom's Crusade

Dive into the story of how surviving pancreatic cancer ignited a fiercer resolve in Adel to combat child slavery through KNG Nation. 

Discover How Faith and Resilience Can Transform The World

Step into the life of a man whose journey through the valley of the shadow of death led him to a higher calling. Forged By Faith: From Ashes To Glory isn’t just Adel Sayegh’s story of surviving pancreatic cancer; it’s a showcase on how unwavering faith can transform personal trials into a global mission against child slavery. 

Why Read This Book?

Witness Faith in Action

Experience how unwavering faith in Jesus Christ can empower someone to face and overcome life’s most daunting challenges.

Spiritual Growth

Find inspiration in reliance on prayer and scripture during your darkest times.

Understanding Purpose

Explore how adversity can be a pathway to discovering and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life

Community and Compassion

Understand the importance of Christian community in providing support and love through trials.

Mission and Service

Feel a powerful call to live out one’s faith through active service and commitment.

Hope and Resilience

Gain encouragement and hope through  affirming that with faith, no obstacle is insurmountable.



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