9th Annual

This holiday season, your generosity can work wonders. The Merrython, a beacon of hope and joy, is calling for angels like you. By contributing to our GoFundMe campaign, you become part of a heartwarming journey to bring smiles and festive cheer to families facing challenging times.

Your donation, no matter the size, has the power to transform a simple moment into an unforgettable Christmas memory. Imagine a child’s eyes lighting up as they unwrap a present, or a family sharing a meal filled with laughter and love – this is the magic you can create.

We believe every child deserves to experience the magic of Christmas. Through the Merrython, we distribute gifts, festive meals, and holiday essentials to thousands of families, ensuring that the warmth and wonder of Christmas reaches every home.

Merrython Partners

Casa Colina Children’s Services is a sanctuary where hope springs eternal and the indomitable spirit of every child shines through.

They stand as beacons of transformation, guiding children, from infancy to 23 years, through challenges toward remarkable progress. 

Become A Christmas Angel

Sponsor A Family

Adopt a family this season and ensure all those in need get to enjoy a happy Christmas

Sponsor A Child

Bring Christmas joy to children in need and those at risk this year by sponsoring a child.

Sponsor A Gift

Light up a child’s or parent’s face for Christmas by sponsoring a gift.

Over 9 Years Of Miracles